First off, I hope everyone is safe and healthy during these times. Even though Covid-19 is shutting down a lot of business, we will still be providing our services from the safety of our homes! Model’s will be continuing to fulfill orders and shipping our pairs. Unless there is a drastic change and the postal service shuts down, we will be operating as normal.
Hopefully the site provides you some entertainment and comfort if you are stuck at home. We APPRECIATE all of our customers and thank you for the support and orders to continue operating the site. At the point in April we have seen an increase in model’s wanted to join and an increase in sales, so again… THANK YOU!
The model’s also thank you for supporting them. As you know, most of our girls are college students with jobs in the service industry or on campus. Many have moved back home as universities shut down for the year or are temporarily out of a job. The extra income they receive for the site is extremely appreciated.
As some model’s are back home or transitioning into moving, please be patient as they settle in to their new surrounding to complete orders.
Most importantly, please take care of yourselves